Big news on Haiku Poetry Day

“swirls of confetti” is 8 x 10, made of Japanese washi papers and other papers, an airmail envelope, vintage Japanese postage stamps, pen, sumi ink, acrylic paint, and adhesive on illustration board. © Annette Makino 2021

“swirls of confetti” is 8 x 10, made of Japanese washi papers and other papers, an airmail envelope, vintage Japanese postage stamps, pen, sumi ink, acrylic paint, and adhesive on illustration board. © Annette Makino 2021

Happy International Haiku Poetry Day! I’ve got some exciting haiku news to share.

First, I am planning to publish my first full-length book! A selection of my best art and haiku of the past ten years, this book will feature fifty of my watercolor haiga (paintings combined with haiku). Sprinkled throughout the pages will be fifteen haibun—a Japanese literary form in which autobiographical prose is combined with haiku. 

With the working title of Water and Stone, this will be a full-color 8x10 softcover book. It will be available on Amazon and the Makino Studios site early this summer.

Secondly, if you heard whooping from my house, it’s because the Haiku Foundation announced today that a haiku I wrote has won a Touchstone Award for best individual poem of 2020! 

There were 1302 poems from 31 countries, mostly nominated by haiku editors, and I am beyond thrilled that my haiku has been honored in this prestigious contest. The Haiku Foundation site explains, “The Touchstone Awards for Individual Poems recognize excellence and innovation in English-language haiku and senryu published in juried public venues during each calendar year.” 

Below is the winning poem, which I wrote at the Klamath River last summer. This poem also won first place in the Porad Haiku Awards last fall.

long before language the S of the river

For a fascinating look at the range of English-language today, see the contest shortlist. My deepest thanks to the panel of judges.

Meanwhile, I’m getting my second Pfizer shot on Sunday, which will mean all five of us in my household are fully vaccinated. Whew! Plus, the cherry trees around my house have put on a fabulous show and are starting send their blossoms afloat. There is much to celebrate!

swirls of confetti
from the cherry trees
festival day

Makino Studios News

Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 9! I’ve got cards for all the moms in your life. And graduation cards too!

Collage landscape notecards: For Makino Studios’ 10th anniversary, I’ve produced a brand-new notecard set featuring four of my collage landscapes. The cost is $15 for a set of eight cards and kraft envelopes. Mother’s Day gift idea!

Matted prints: You can now find eight small signed and double-matted prints here, mostly of landscapes.

2021 fairs and events: North Coast Open Studios, which is usually held in late May/early June, will not take place this spring but there is a chance it will happen in the fall. The North Country Fair on the Arcata Plaza is tentatively scheduled to take place Sept. 18-19 this year, if Covid-19 safety permits. 

Thanks: I really appreciate all the messages of congratulations on my last post, “Makino Studios turns 10 today!” You can read past posts online on my blog.

Makino Studios turns 10!

“moth at the window” is 8 x 10, made of paper, acrylic paint, and adhesive on illustration board. It appears in my 2021 calendar. It is available as a birthday card reading, “happy birthday—here’s to many more trips around the sun.” © Annette M…

“moth at the window” is 8 x 10, made of paper, acrylic paint, and adhesive on illustration board. It appears in my 2021 calendar. It is available as a birthday card reading, “happy birthday—here’s to many more trips around the sun.” © Annette Makino 2020

Makino Studios celebrates its 10th anniversary today! Exactly a decade ago, I took a leap of faith and launched, the website for my brand-new art business. 

Though I grew up in an artsy family, I never expected to become a working artist. I graduated from Stanford in the 1980s—the Reagan years—with a degree in international relations. In this era of the materialistic yuppie, many of my classmates went on to earn MBAs en route to lucrative positions in corporate America. 

moth at the window
the things we think
will make us happy

Taking a more idealistic path, I ended up working for a global nonprofit. Though lacking many of the perks of, say, investment banking, this career came with its own benefits: I had a fancy title and a six-figure salary. Assignments took me to places like China, Russia, Kenya, Thailand, Paris, Istanbul. I worked with smart, committed people on a worthy mission: supporting independent media around the world. 

It was a role that served me well for a long time. But after twenty years in that career, it was time for a change. I craved work that was more creative and personally meaningful. I came to feel that I would rather make a significant impact on an intimate personal level than a marginal impact on a grand global level. Not incidentally, my financial calculations showed that I didn’t need to work for anyone else again.

The philosopher William James has expressed my feelings perfectly: “I am done with great things and big plans, great institutions and big successes. I am for those tiny, invisible loving human forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, yet which, if given time, will rend the hardest monuments of human pride.”

This past decade of running an art business has come with its share of struggles, false starts and teeth-grinding anxiety. I’ve had to learn accounting while kicking and screaming the whole way. Most recently, COVID-19 has taken a significant bite out of my sales.

But living this creative life is also incredibly rewarding. I get to spend unstructured days with my family and hike wild places with my dog. Then I turn those experiences into art—paintings, collages and haiku that only I could create. Work that flows from my authentic self. I may not be a Master of the Universe, but I can’t imagine a richer life.

all that I am
still unfolding
cherry tree in autumn

Ten years ago . . . with furry muse Misha at my first solo art opening in October 2011 in Eureka, California.

Ten years ago . . . with furry muse Misha at my first solo art opening in October 2011 in Eureka, California.

As Makino Studios celebrates its tenth birthday, I want to thank some key people: My husband Paul, for his unfailing support, help with counting cards at stores, and deliveries. My daughter Maya, for her invaluable editorial and artistic input. My son Gabriel, who helps package cards and fill orders. My sisters Yoshi and Yuri, for their keen-eyed artistic feedback. My mother Erika, for her lifelong encouragement of my creativity.

Special thanks to the skill and professionalism of the team at Bug Press, the small but mighty local Arcata printer that makes my print products possible. And last but certainly not least, thanks to my customers, store buyers, friends and fans for your ongoing support and enthusiasm. Makino Studios would not exist without you. 

I bow to you all.

“moth at the window” haiku published in Bundled Wildflowers, Haiku Society of America 2020 Members’ Anthology, Haiku Society of America, 2020

“all that I am” haiku published in Modern Haiku, Issue 52.1, Winter-Spring 2021

Makino Studios News

10th anniversary sale: This is the biggest sale I’ve ever run: take 25% off everything in the shop on US orders of $20 or more with promo code 10YEARS. Good for four days only, till 11:59 p.m. this Sunday, March 21. Includes sale items but not original art. One code per order.

NEW - collage landscape notecards: For Makino Studios’ 10th anniversary, I’ve produced a brand-new notecard set featuring four of my collage landscapes. Cost is $15 for a set of eight cards and kraft envelopes. This makes a nice Mother’s Day gift!

NEW - gallery of collage haiga: I’ve posted 14 of my collage haiga (art with haiku) on the gallery page of my website. Most of these original pieces are available for sale; please inquire if interested. (The 25% off sale does not apply to original art.)

A Prayer for Japan: Ten years ago, just after the Great East Japan Earthquake, I created a sumi ink painting of flying cranes with a prayer for healing. The Eureka Times-Standard ran this in-depth story on the piece and the birth of my business. 

My heart's delight

“you are my heart’s delight” is 5x7, made with a Japanese postage stamp, paper made with flower petals, Japanese washi papers, gold foil, a small feather and embroidery thread on paper. It is available as a printed card.

“you are my heart’s delight” is 5x7, made with a Japanese postage stamp, paper made with flower petals, Japanese washi papers, gold foil, a small feather and embroidery thread on paper. It is available as a printed card.

Last fall my friend Dave gave me his Japanese stamp collection, with vintage and modern stamps featuring geishas, fans, carp, and cherry blossoms. Though they are beautiful, I didn’t touch them for months, feeling too busy and distracted to create much. 

But January brought us capable, compassionate and sane new leadership in the White House—what a relief! Along with the steady rollout of COVID19 vaccines, I am feeling much lighter and more optimistic. As a result, I feel more free to create art!

I recently dug out those stamps and they inspired me to create a series of Japanese-themed collages, still in process. I’m having such fun playing and experimenting!

In addition to the postage stamps, most of my new pieces include natural objects like feathers, sand dollars, or willow twigs. Many incorporate the traditional Japanese embroidery technique of sashiko, a simple running stitch. And I have been writing haiku to go with some of them.

The first in this series, shown above, is a Valentine’s card for my husband Paul, who really is my heart’s delight. 

white linen
the easy sunlight
in his smile

His card is composed of handmade paper made with flower petals, Japanese washi papers, gold foil, a small feather, a Japanese postage stamp of cherry blossoms and hand-stitching with embroidery thread. Hopefully, these disparate elements join together in an interesting and  harmonious way—much like a long partnership.

On Sunday Paul and I will mark our 30th Valentine’s Day together. This year, instead of eating out at a fancy restaurant or going to a show, we’ll celebrate at home with a romantic candlelight dinner—for five! But whatever the conditions, I’m just grateful we’re together.

Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

“Happy Valentine’s Day” - This card is based on an original collage that incorporates a Japanese postage stamp, a sumi ink painting of plum blossoms, gold foil, painted washi papers from Japan and hand-stitching with embroidery thread. 

“Happy Valentine’s Day” - This card is based on an original collage that incorporates a Japanese postage stamp, a sumi ink painting of plum blossoms, gold foil, painted washi papers from Japan and hand-stitching with embroidery thread. 

Publication credit: “white linen” was first published in Frogpond 36:2 (Spring/Summer 2013)

Makino Studios News

NEW - matted prints: I’ve posted eight small signed and double-matted prints , mostly of landscapes. The outside dimensions are 8x10 with the mat. Each one comes in a cellophane sleeve with an artist’s bio and is $18 plus tax and shipping.

Still need a calendar? Well, 641 of my 2021 calendars of art and haiku have gone out the door, but there are still nine left ($12 each)!

Blowin' in the wind

“this time next year” is 8 x 10, made of paper, acrylic paint, and adhesive on illustration board. It appears in my 2021 calendar. © Annette Makino 2020. 

“this time next year” is 8 x 10, made of paper, acrylic paint, and adhesive on illustration board. It appears in my 2021 calendar. © Annette Makino 2020. 

Once upon a time, my family and I lived in a small town in Northern Italy. It was 2008, and my husband was running a college’s overseas program based in Alba, in the Piedmont region. 

That semester, the school provided us with an apartment that was situated near the Ferrero chocolate factory, makers of Nutella and Almond Roche. And just next door to us on the other side was the town’s sewage treatment plant. 

Some days the wind would blow from the south, and the air would be filled with the intoxicating smell of chocolate. And other days, the wind would blow from the other direction . . . and the smell was considerably less appetizing.

On this first day of the new year and the new decade, I am thinking about our Alba apartment as a metaphor for life. There is an Arab saying that translates as, “One day honey, one day onions.” Or in our case, “one day chocolate, one day poop.” 

We can never predict the future; we only know that things will change. Part of my household recently watched an ultra-low-budget action movie from Uganda with the priceless tag line, “expect the unexpectable.”

We all expect that 2021 will be better than the dumpster fire of a year we just left behind. But all we really know for sure is that “this too shall pass.” 

this time next year
the unanswered question
in the owl’s call

Here’s hoping that 2021 brings us brighter days and winds from the south. Happy New Year!

Sample pages of my 2021 mini-calendar.

Sample pages of my 2021 mini-calendar.

Makino Studios News

2021 calendars: Well, the first printing sold out and so did most of the second printing, but I still have a few of my mini-calendar of art and haiku for sale! These feature my Japanese-inspired collages and are $12 each.

Free shipping: I offer free first-class shipping on US retail orders of $35 or more. Use code FREESHIP35 at checkout.

The more things change

“The more things change” is 8x10, made of washi and found papers, acrylic paint, and adhesive on illustration board. It is available as a greeting card or notecard set reading ”may peace prevail on earth.” The haiku version appears in my 2021 calend…

“The more things change” is 8x10, made of washi and found papers, acrylic paint, and adhesive on illustration board. It is available as a greeting card or notecard set reading ”may peace prevail on earth.” The haiku version appears in my 2021 calendar. © Annette Makino 2020.

Heavy snowflakes were falling as our taxi pulled up to the traditional Japanese inn. The snow took us by surprise—having packed light, I had only a rain coat and Dansko clogs—but it was magical. 

It was March 2012 and my sisters and I were visiting the town of Takayama on a trip through Japan following our father’s funeral. After an emotional couple of days and a five-hour train ride, we arrived in this preserved Edo-period town still in mourning and feeling disoriented. 

The tiny, warm-hearted innkeeper showed us to our room, which had tatami floors and rice paper screens. Through falling snow, there was a view of the river below. She served us foamy matcha tea and sweets at a kotatsu, a low table covered with a wool blanket that had a heater underneath, so we could tuck our legs under it for warmth. 

Walking to the river afterwards, we came upon a bright red bridge heaped with snow, in a scene straight out of 17th century Japan. At a restaurant just across the river, we ate the local specialty of hoba miso: miso paste spread on a magnolia leaf, grilled at the table on a small hibachi together with tender Hida beef and mountain vegetables. Delicious.

The serenity of our surroundings gradually seeped into our pores. Although we had never been there before, it all felt deeply familiar, perhaps from our childhood months of living with our Japanese grandparents in their traditional home in Takasaki, in Gunma prefecture.

At an intense time in our lives, the heart-expanding beauty of this place was deeply healing. I tried to capture the otherworldly quality of our visit to Takayama in a collage, above. 

the more things change
raindrops slowing
into snow

Wishing you joy and peace this holiday season.

Makino Studios News

2021 mini-calendar: My calendars of art and haiku are almost sold out, but I am reprinting them and will have more next week! Some are available online now and in select local stores. They feature 12 of my new collages with original haiku. 

Made in Humboldt fair: I’ve just restocked my calendars, small prints and boxed notecards at the “Made in Humboldt” event at Pierson Garden Shop in Eureka, CA, open through Tuesday, Dec. 24. This is the only fair where you can find my work this season. 

Tired of staring at your walls?

The way the pandemic is going, it looks like we’ll all be spending even more time at home over the coming months, if such a thing is possible. It could be a looong winter.

To change things up a bit, how about some fresh wall art for you and yours? Signed 11x14 prints of my watercolor and sumi ink paintings are all 40% off through this coming Monday. They are normally $45, currently $27, no code needed.

There are 20 designs including ocean and redwood landscapes, funny chickens, and swimming dogs. My 8x10 prints are also on sale for $18. Note that all supplies are very limited.

These prints are professionally printed by Bug Press in Arcata, CA with fade-resistant ink, using acid-free paper from a supplier that is certified to be 100% carbon-neutral. I individually stamp each print in red with my personal seal, then sign it. Prints will fit in a standard 11x14 mat or frame.

In a time when we are deprived of so much, let art feed your soul. Happy holidays!

Here’s a simple framing suggestion for my 11x14 prints. They will fit in a standard off-the-shelf mat or frame. Country road © Annette Makino 2017

Here’s a simple framing suggestion for my 11x14 prints. They will fit in a standard off-the-shelf mat or frame. Country road © Annette Makino 2017

Foggy coastline with haiku © Annette Makino 2019

Foggy coastline with haiku © Annette Makino 2019

Redwood forest © Annette Makino 2017

Redwood forest © Annette Makino 2017

Happy swimming dog © Annette Makino 2015

Happy swimming dog © Annette Makino 2015

Redwood time © Annette Makino 2018

Redwood time © Annette Makino 2018

Mountain meadow © Annette Makino 2015

Mountain meadow © Annette Makino 2015

Curious chickens © Annette Makino 2019

Curious chickens © Annette Makino 2019

Water and stone © Annette Makino 2015

Water and stone © Annette Makino 2015

Prints are packaged flat in a self-sealing cellophane bag; a flyer describing my work is enclosed. They ship first class in a sturdy photo mailer.

Prints are packaged flat in a self-sealing cellophane bag; a flyer describing my work is enclosed. They ship first class in a sturdy photo mailer.

P.S. I’m offering free US shipping for Makino Studios orders of $35 or more with code FREESHIP35. Order no later than Thursday, Dec. 17 to get your package by Dec. 25.

P.P.S. Video of a short presentation on my new collage art plus haiku about parenting is available online through Monday. At this Zoom link, enter passcode d604=+jS. Skip to the fourth recording by clicking on the forward symbol three times, then you can jump to my presentation at the 41:23 mark.

A Thanksgiving buffet

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you find a fun and meaningful way to celebrate the holiday, even if it’s just raising a glass with family members over Zoom. 

I wanted to let you know that Makino Studios is running a Thanksgiving sale: all my 11x14 prints are 40% off this week, until midnight this coming Monday, Nov. 30. 

Below is a Thanksgiving buffet of sorts: some samples of my holiday and landscape notecards, 2021 mini-calendars, and signed prints. Humboldt folks, you can also find my notecard sets, small prints and calendars at the Made in Humboldt Fair at Pierson Garden Shop in Eureka thru Dec. 24. 

US shipping is free on any order of $35+ with code FREESHIP35. Order no later than Thursday, Dec. 17 to be sure your package arrives by Dec. 25, 2020.

Also, at the recent Seabeck Haiku Getaway, I gave a reading of my haiku about the humor and heartache of parenting and a slide show of my new collage haiga (art with haiku). Video of my nine-minute presentation, called “Piecing It Together,” is available online through the end of November. At this Zoom link, enter passcode d604=+jS. Skip to the fourth recording by clicking on the forward symbol three times, then you can jump to my presentation at the 41:23 mark.

Thank you and be well.

warmly, Annette Makino

Art print sale graphic 2020.jpg

40% off all 11x14 prints! Normally $45, this week only $27. Each print is signed and stamped. 20 designs. Supplies limited. Sale ends Mon., Nov. 30.