Connect with a card

Connect with a card

Let's face it, social distancing can be lonely. While we're all staying home and self-isolating, let me send greeting cards from you to your friends and family. During this strange and stressful time, I will hand-write your message on any card you purchase through this site, then mail it to your recipient for free

From the ashes

From the ashes

Last fall’s Kincade Fire was the worst of California’s 2019 wildfires. The school where my sister teaches was closed for three weeks. When it finally reopened in November, Yoshi had an idea: to have her art students harvest charcoal from the burned logs on the school grounds, and use it to draw a mural of phoenixes.

2020 vision

Well, this past year was a pretty dark time for our planet. As Dave Barry writes, “It was a year so eventful that every time another asteroid whizzed past the Earth, barely avoiding a collision that would have destroyed human civilization, we were not 100 percent certain it was good news.”

Creativity is catching

Creativity is catching

My husband and I recently joined a small community choir. We knew the choir would be singing a few songs as part of a holiday play, but didn’t fully grasp what a commitment it was: 36 hours of rehearsals and performances last week, with two more shows to go! 

Why I’ve missed your posts

Why I’ve missed your posts

Consuming too much social media is like eating movie popcorn: it leaves you feeling full and slightly sick but not well-nourished. So at the beginning of the year, I made a vow to write a haiku before I check social media.