A lovely older woman who read the recent newspaper article on my work called me this past week to commission a piece as a birthday gift for her daughter-in-law. The piece is also a housewarming gift: after many challenges, the daughter-in-law and her family are about to move into a new home.
More Than 17 Syllables
The daily newspaper for the Eureka, California area, the Times-Standard, ran a nice 700-word feature article on me and Makino Studios today.
Since launching the Makino Studios site a week ago, I’ve been overwhelmed by the positive response to my work. It feels good to know I am touching hearts. Thank you all for your support.
A Prayer for Japan
A 9.0 earthquake, a massive tsunami, and an unfolding nuclear catastrophe would each be overwhelming in isolation. The mind can scarcely imagine what the people of Japan are going through right now, simultaneously dealing with three disasters of historic proportions. My heart breaks for the survivors who have lost their loved ones, their homes, and the lives they once knew.