Parallel Universes

When he was nine, my son Gabriel opened my eyes to the concept of parallel universes, the theory that there could be infinite co-existing universes. Both quantum physics and science fiction have explored this concept. But Gabriel quickly developed his own understanding. After watching a documentary on the subject, he told me mischievously, “I'm warning you, if there are other universes, in one you're wearing a pink fluorescent dress. And you're not regretting it!"
But one does not have to turn to quantum physics or fantasy to enter parallel universes: they exist right under our noses. There is a microcosmic world in the patch of mold on a rotting stump. There is another universe in the hidden dramas of the raccoons that live in the woods around my home. While we move through our days, focused on our own stories, there are a million other stories unfolding all around us, if only we open our awareness. As a poet and artist, it is my privilege to bring glimpses of these other worlds to light—even if I don’t fully understand them myself. But as for that pink fluorescent dress: not in this lifetime!
June morning
the unknown calls
of unseen birds
Makino Studios News
First Publication: Small squeal: today my first two haiku were published! They appear in the June issue of Notes from the Gean, a journal of Japanese form poetry (page 90).
New Retailers and Cards: As of last week, Blake’s Books in McKinleyville and Trinidad Trading Company in Trinidad are the latest Northern California stores to carry my haiku cards. (And they are selling so well that Blake's Books reordered two days later!) Also, I now offer two new card designs. See the Makino Studios Store page for designs, retailers, and links to the MakinoStudios online store on Etsy.
Group Show: This is the last week of the group show I’m part of at MikkiMoves Living Room Gallery. Corner of 7th and I Streets in Eureka, California. Shows runs through June.
North Country Fair: It's official: Makino Studios will have a booth at this festive two-day fair on the Arcata Plaza, September 15-16.
Connect: Did you know that I post fresh haiku and/or art on Facebook and Twitter most every day? “Like” the Makino Studios Facebook page for your daily dose of humor and insight. You can also follow @Ant99 on Twitter for more updates.